viernes, 22 de abril de 2016

GOD intention...BAD idea OR "How not to teach"

Some times as teachers we face ourselves into a carrefour (French word for Crossroads) trying to get the whole stuff, I mean try to teach the best way and not only that but try to teach in to an entertained, meaningful possible way, because we are teachers -well, especially talking about language teachers-.
Some days ago I just have found an example of how do we, teachers, try to overcome with some astonished ideas to improve or classes, what I have just called “GOD intention, BAD Idea”. Let´s watch the video

the potatoe stuff

Honest, I wouldn’t like to talk to parents because I did introduce the kind of creepy action “STAB” , and then come to hear "follow through" as someone is practicing stabbing, mmmmm Nop! I don’t think this activity is a BAD intention itself but the point is that it wasn’t a GOD idea either.

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