viernes, 22 de abril de 2016

GOD intention...BAD idea OR "How not to teach"

Some times as teachers we face ourselves into a carrefour (French word for Crossroads) trying to get the whole stuff, I mean try to teach the best way and not only that but try to teach in to an entertained, meaningful possible way, because we are teachers -well, especially talking about language teachers-.
Some days ago I just have found an example of how do we, teachers, try to overcome with some astonished ideas to improve or classes, what I have just called “GOD intention, BAD Idea”. Let´s watch the video

the potatoe stuff

Honest, I wouldn’t like to talk to parents because I did introduce the kind of creepy action “STAB” , and then come to hear "follow through" as someone is practicing stabbing, mmmmm Nop! I don’t think this activity is a BAD intention itself but the point is that it wasn’t a GOD idea either.

Two-word verbs

Phrasal Verbs and Prepositional Verbs


Two-word verbs can be Phrasal Verbs or Prepositional Verb.
Phrasal Verbs often have a very different (idiomatic) meaning.
  • verb: look
  • adverb: in
  • Phrasal Verb: look in



 Select the prepositions that really work with each verb, not all of them work properly, NOT all of them exist. And after you have found out the correct ones, write a definition and an example.


Elaborate a map like this:


 for each verb in white paper and use colors

jueves, 21 de abril de 2016

Civismo 5 Bloque

Bloque 5.

·        Hacia la identificación de los compromisos éticos


Ejes formativos:

·        Persona, ética y ciudadanía

Competencias que se favorecen

·        Sentido de pertenencia a la comunidad, la nación y la humanidad

·        Respeto y valoración de la diversidad

·        Participación social y política

·        Aprendizajes esperados

·        Diseña acciones que contribuyen a un desarrollo ambiental para la sustentabilidad en su localidad o entidad y se involucra en su ejecución.

·        Impulsa prácticas de convivencia democrática ante comportamientos discriminatorios relacionados con el género, la preferencia sexual, discapacidad, condición económica, social, cultural, étnica o migrante.

·        Formula estrategias que promueven la participación democrática en la escuela y emplea la resolución no violenta de conflictos en contextos diversos.